From the office of. (established in JANUARY 1815). BA T H, N E W Y. IN THE YEAR OF 1872. In the upper left corner, the vignette is. STEUBEN FARMERS’ ADVOCATE WAS IN PUBLICATION FROM 1849 TO 1920 IN BATH, NEW YORK. BROHODES, 1 857 P. UNDERHILL of BATH, STEUBEN COUNTY, N. He was born in Veteran, Chemung County, N. Charles Augustus Underhill and Portia Maria (Brooks) Underhill where his parents. He had a son Edwin Stewart Underhill 1861 1929 who also had a sone Edwin Stewart Underhill, Jr.. Notes indicate he was a democrat, Newspaper publisher and Presidential Elector for New York in 1884, and postmaster in Bath, N. Village president of Bath, New York 1891 to 1892. He passed in Los Angeles, Californica in 1902 at 71 years of age. CONDITION: Normal letter folds, in good condition. Approximate size of letterhead is. If you have any questions, please contact me. When you receive your item, PLEASE leave feedback (I will see it) and I will reciprocate feedback at that time. THANK YOU VERY MUCH and GOOD LUCK TO YOU.