1901″MIDWAY OIL FIELD” ORIGINAL MAP KERN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. (Compilers) Title: 1901″MIDWAY OIL FIELD” ORIGINAL MAP KERN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. LINEN-BACKED Publication: Los Angeles: Oil Maps and Prospectus, 1901. Description: This is an ORIGINAL MAP, 1901, of the MIDWAY OIL FIELD, Kern County, California. It has been expertly LINEN-BACKED. Compiled from public records and private surveys by E. Image approximately 33 1/4″ x 32″ with a small linen border. The Midway Oil Field (Now, Midway-Sunset Oil Field) was discovered in Kern County in 1894. This map predates the establishment of Taft, California. It is the largest oil field in California. It has produced over 3 billion barrels of oil to date, with substantial reserves still in the ground. This map shows that, as of 1901, relatively few wells had been drilled. It was not until 1909 that the first gusher (oil blown over the derrick top) came in to Midway Field Well 2-6. Subject: All Things Californian, Maps, Mining & Oil, Miscellany, Southern California. We are part of the “Gold Cities Book Town” which is comprised of Nevada City and Grass Valley, California. We specialize in Western Americana, “All Things Californian” (California History, Photographers, Poets, Authors, Law & Order, San Francisco, Yosemite, Monterey Peninsula, and so forth), Western Fine Press, Books to Film, Signed Books and Books On Books, as well as original Posters, Movie Memorabilia and the odd item of special interest or value. This listing was created by Bibliopolis.